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Apr 14, 2015

South Australia's first Aboriginal Anglican Bishop to Focus on Reconciliation


[Australian Broadcasting Corp.] South Australia's first Aboriginal Anglican bishop says he plans to use his new role to focus on reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.


Reverend Christopher McLeod, who is of Gurindji descent and whose mother was a member of the Stolen Generations, has been ordained as Assistant Bishop at St Peter's Cathedral.


He has most recently served as the rector at St Jude's Church at Brighton, and becomes the only Aboriginal bishop currently serving in Australia.


The appointment is considered a landmark for the church because Reverend McLeod is only the third Anglican bishop of Aboriginal descent in Australia's history.


"My background is very much part of that Stolen Generations history," he said.


"My mother was a member of the Stolen Generations and her mother was a member of the Stolen Generations.


"My mother was removed from her mother at a very young age and placed in a number of institutions in the Northern Territory.


"The priest who brought her to Adelaide wasn't involved in that process, but he kindly set up a number of places for Aboriginal people to come to."


Reverend McLeod has been involved in ministry alongside Indigenous people for more than 20 years.


Read more here.