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May 10, 2012 | Nancy Springer-Baldwin

SSW Awards Honorary Doctorates at Commencement

The Board of Trustees of Seminary of the Southwest awarded honorary degrees to three leaders of the church at the seminary’s commencement yesterday.


Doctor of Divinity, honoris causa, was presented to Stanley Hauerwas, Gilbert T. Rowe professor of theological ethics,  Duke Divinity School and canon theologian, Christ church Cathedral, Nashville, who preached the commencement sermon; and to Martha J. Horne dean and president emerita, Virginia Theological Seminary. Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa was presented to Russell E. Schulz, emeritus professor of church music at the seminary and composer of music for the church.


The seminary awarded master’s degrees and diplomas to thirty-three students, and the neighboring Lutheran Seminary Program in the Southwest awarded certificates of theological education for emerging ministries to three graduates.


The trustees of Seminary of the Southwest presented Darin N. Digby with the 2012 Trustee Award for his service and leadership on the seminary’s board.


Celebrating its sixtieth anniversary this year, Seminary of the Southwest is an Episcopal full-time residential seminary in Austin, Texas, offering the MDiv degree and through the seminary’s Center for Christian Ministry and Vocation offers master’s degrees in religion, counseling, chaplaincy, and spiritual formation. Southwest has entered into a relationship with the IONA School of the Diocese of Texas and 10 other dioceses which provide local training for non-stipendiary priests and deacons.