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Jul 09, 2014 | Seminary of the Southwest

SSW Recruiter Addresses Union of Black Episcopalians' Young Adult Encounter

Seminary of the Southwest Recruiter Brittany James-Sauceda, shown above third from left, was one of four special guests at the first Young Adult Encounter at the 46th Annual Meeting and Conference of the Union of Black Episcopalians in Atlantic City, New Jersey.


Reconnecting Our Relationship with God was the theme of the Encounter, and Sauceda’s presentation focused on “Making Room for Millennial Leadership” including opportunities through the seminary’s Parish Fellowship Program as well as young adult leadership and higher education resources. She addressed questions related to discernment, funding higher education and finding the right path towards leadership.


“The UBE conference and the first Young Adult Encounter was an outstanding experience for me,” said Sauceda. “In particular, the young adults in attendance show promise for enthusiastic leadership for future young adult encounters. I am so very eager to see how this group develops.”


Seminary of the Southwest launched its pilot young adult program in the fall of 2013, Striving to be a resource for young adult ministries and undergraduate campus ministries alike, networks with young adult missioners and campus missioners across the nation to connect their ministries and recruit recent undergraduates for the very promising, Parish Fellowship Program.


Inspired by the vision of the Rt. Rev. Claude E. Payne, retired bishop of Texas, the Parish Fellowship Program makes room for young adult leadership in the church. has also asked for the support of Episcopal bishops and young adult advocates in promoting fellowship programing in regards to the discernment process and postulant track.


Britt James-Sauceda has been recruiting, networking and resourcing at Seminary of the Southwest since March 2013. A year later, she is continuing to engage with young adults and their mentors across The Episcopal Church to spread the good news.


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