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May 23, 2012 | Alison Sawyer

St. Andrew's Awards Scholarships to Fifth Grade Students

st. andrew's neal awards
2012 St. Andrew's Scholars

On May 17, St. Andrew’s, Bryan, honored 10 fifth grade students at Neal Elementary as 2012 St. Andrew’s Scholars. Through these scholarships, St. Andrew’s goal is to show Christ’s love in the community through education and outreach. 


Five years ago, St. Andrew’s awarded the first scholarship to Neal Elementary fifth grade students. The recipients who are selected each year are awarded a $1000 scholarship upon their high school graduation. 


Neal Elementary fifth-grader Mariana Becerra said Thursday that winning a scholarship from St. Andrew's will provide her with the groundwork for a great future. The 11-year-old said she could not have accomplished so much without her teachers and family. Feeling special to be chosen as a recipient, Mariana said she realizes she's going to have to continue to work and study hard if she's going to be successful.


"I'm going to be the first person in my family to go to college," she said. "I want to have a good future when I grow up and become a doctor."


The program helps the students prepare for college, and it encourages continuing success during middle and high school.


“This is a unique program,” said St. Andrew’s Scholar coordinator Sarah Ashburn. “The key is identifying promising students in elementary school.”