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May 16, 2013

St. Andrew's, Bryan, Prepares for Mission Trip to Navajo Nation

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vet clinic
Texas A&M veterinary students will accompany
St. Andrew's on their mission trip

A team from St. Andrew's, Bryan, along with Texas A&M Veterinary students are taking a mission trip to Good Shepherd Mission in Fort Defiance, Arizona the fourth week in June. If you enjoy helping others in need in a different cultural setting, come join the team! The main components of the trip are remodeling, veterinary care, and helping children.


The construction/remodeling team will completely remodel a dilapidated kitchen in one of the buildings at the mission.


Because of the huge feral animal problem on the reservation, five vet students from A&M will travel with the team to work doing primarily neuters and spays at the clinic, although sheep and horses are also treated. Fees will be dramatically lowered to enable more people to afford services and all proceeds go to the clinic.


The children's program will feature hands-on lessons with activities written for the Navajo children by a professor from A&M. Because of the consistently low test scores in the schools, the lessons will focus on making reading fun, and the team will take approximately 300 children's books to leave. One of the children's favorite times each day is when they are served their evening meal which has been prepared by members of the team.


This year five of St. Andrew's youth were given sponsorships to become working members of the team and learn more about mission work and serving others. They each wrote an essay telling why they want to go to the Navajo Nation and how they could make a difference in the lives of the people there. The youth going on the mission trip will include Morgan Smith, Matthew and Madison Waskom, and Gretchen and Bridget Vilas.


If you would like to sponsor a veterinary student, donate for children's books or vet supplies, make a general donation, or for information on joining the mission team, contact the church office, 979.822.5176, or e-mail