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Nov 14, 2013

St. Andrew's Downtown Dialogue Features Dr. Sylvia Grider

Dr. Sylvia Grider

The Episcopal community is invited to St. Andrew’s, Bryan, on Friday, November 22 for the final dialogue in the series "Life Stories: Authors in their Own Words." St. Andrew's parishioner, Dr. Sylvia Grider, will serve as speaker for this program.   


Dr. Grider  is a folklorist with extensive training and field experience in classical archaeology. She taught undergraduate and graduate courses in folklore and cultural anthropology, including courses in Texas Cultural History, Folklife and Material Culture, and Folk Narrative. She served as the principal investigator of the Bonfire Memorabilia Collection Project following the collapse of the student bonfire at Texas A&M University in November, 1999 and has published work on this project. She plans to share how her writing experiences have shaped and impacted her life. 


Dr. Grider will also reference an essay she wrote called "Spontaneous Shrines: A Modern Response to Tragedy and Disaster," which included preliminary observations regarding the spontaneous shrines following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

The goal of these continuing conversations is to provide an opportunity for members of ther community to share and learn through listening and discussion on a variety of topics.  Through the Downtown Dialogue, St. Andrew's hopes to grow thought, inspire ideas, and open minds.


All programs are 12-1 p.m., participants are invited to bring a brownbag lunch. Visit for more information.