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Sep 13, 2011 | EDOT Staff

St. Andrew's Senior Selected for Austin Pictures Exhibition

Barrett Jean Hollingsworth
Barrett Jean Hollingsworth

Barrett Jean Hollingsworth, a senior at St. Andrew's School, Austin, is one of 11 distinguished high school visual artists selected citywide to participate in Austin Pictures, a multimedia event taking place at 8 p.m. on Saturday, October 1 in the 2200-seat Austin City Limits Live Theater.


Hollingsworth’s painting will be a prominent part of the show. She and her art will be featured in a brief film giving an up-close look at the artists’ process. 


The musical centerpiece of Austin Pictures is the great masterwork, “Pictures at an Exhibition” by Modest Mussorgsky. The piece musically describes gallery goers walking through an exhibit of 10 highly evocative images. For this project, each student is painting their own version of one of these images. Hollingsworth has been selected to paint Children in the Garden at Play.


The evening features classical musical superstars the Miró String Quartet, Maestro Peter Bay, Peruvian guitar virtuoso, Jorge Caballero, plus more than 100 student music, art and film collaborators, some from more than 1,000 miles away. The evening will be broadcast live by KMFA 89.5, and be filmed for later television broadcast by KLRU.


Click here for a short bio on Hollingsworth and look at her work.