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Feb 22, 2012 | Luke Blount

St. Andrew's Takes in Homeless Families

Homeless 1
Homeless families get a fresh meal
Homeless 2
One of the sleeping areas at St. Andrew's

Last fall we reported that St. Andrew’s, Pearland, was working to alleviate homelessness with Family Promise, an interfaith provider of transitional housing to homeless families. Now, St. Andrew’s is housing the homeless in their church, receiving their first families last week.


St. Andrew’s welcomed three families consisting of five parents and eight children. According to the Rev. Jim Liberatore, the families were either already evicted from their homes after falling behind in rent, or they were close to eviction.


“Families stay overnight, once a quarter.” Liberatore said. “The church provides rooms, beds, bedding, food and some home touches. About 50 volunteers (including overnight) helped each week, and we had many more who could not due to the fact that we had all volunteer slots filled.”


Over the past three years, St. Andrew’s has gathered 14 other churches to start a local Family Promise affiliate in their area. Debbie Allensworth served as the first president of Family Promise of Clear Creek and the Rev. Jim Liberatore is currently president.


The average stay for a family is 65 days in the program. St. Andrew’s hired a director, Pat Hughes, who helps families with whatever they need to get back into their own housing. During the day, the families are at a day center or in school or work.


“We had a dream of assisting homeless families in our area,” said Liberartore in September. “Hundreds of children are enrolled in schools in our area that are homeless."


Now, at least three families have a temporary home in Pearland.


For more information or to find out how to help, contact the Rev. Jim Liberatore, 281.485.3843.