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Apr 28, 2015 | EDOT Staff

St. Andy’s Takes Service to the Streets


Parishioners from St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church and First United Methodist, Pearland, planted trees as part of their Sunday of service in April. More than 500 participated in 13 community service projects.

St. Andrew’s, Pearland, recently held their seventh off-site service Sunday, and were joined in the community effort by 300 members of their neighbor, First United Methodist.


“Worship takes the form of service that day,” said the Rev. Jim Liberatore, “We participated in 13 community service projects while a few people stayed behind at church to explain to any visitors what was taking place, and to offer prayers and invite them back next week.”


Many of this year’s projects came from Communities in Schools from the Alvin ISD, which is the district surrounding St. Andrew’s second campus, Mosaic. More than 200 St. Andrew’s members participated.


“We did home repairs, put up basketball goals, installed windows and rehung doors,” said Debbie Allensworth, pastor at Mosaic. She said the group weeded gardens, packed beans and rice for Mexico, planted trees and made activity packs to pass out in local emergency rooms. “We also did work that benefited those fighting human trafficking,” she explained. There were projects for all ages, abilities and interests.


“I challenged our parishioners to meet at least one person and hear their story,” Liberatore said. “We brought prayers for those people to our worship the following week.”