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Mar 04, 2013 | Barbara Moore

St. Christopher's Begins Spring Planting for Community Garden

garden - st. chrisSt. Christopher’s, League City, is saying goodbye to winter produce in the Plant a Seed – Feed the Need Community Garden. Soon, they will gear up for new plants and seeds for spring/summer. All produce, vegetables, fruits, herbs, etc., grown in this garden are donated to the food pantry of Interfaith Caring Ministries in League City, which has long served those in need in the Greater Bay Area community.


Spring is fast approaching, and St. Chris' is looking for volunteers to help in the garden.  Volunteering in the garden is a great way for all ages to experience first hand the spirit of volunteerism and outreach.  It is also a chance to learn up close what organic gardening is all about.


The garden is open to individuals and groups wishing to volunteer in this community outreach project. To date, area church youth groups, Girl and Boy Scout groups, environmental groups, garden clubs and individuals seeking community service hours have worked the garden. This is truly a community outreach project that has surpassed its original scope. In addition to providing fresh produce, the garden has become an opportunity for education, and serves as an example for good stewardship of our limited resources on this planet.


The garden is located at St. Christopher Episcopal Church, 2508 St. Christopher Avenue, in League City.  Regular garden work days are Wednesday mornings from 10:00 to 11:00 and every third Saturday of the month from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, weather permitting. Email Ally Hardick or call the church office at 281.332.5553, to learn about volunteer and other opportunities; or visit the community garden website.


The Rev. Dr. Tom Day is senior pastor of St. Christopher, a church with a heart for mission.  Its mission work ranges from local to international service to those in need.  St. Christopher's is a warm, welcoming community, eager to bless friends, neighbors, and those we have never met. Visit or call 281.332.5553 to learn more.