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May 22, 2013

St. Christopher's, Killeen, Plans Medical Mission to Honduras

Honduras Trip KilleenFor more than 10 years, members of St. Christopher’s in Killeen have been participating with Honduras Good Works on a Medical Mission trip to Honduras. The founders of Honduras Good Works, Don and Bobbi Hopkins, have been active members of St. Christopher’s for several years.  The involvement of St. Christopher’s parishioners predates the formal partnership between the 2 groups.


The mission trip includes preparation in the form of “Packing Parties”.  St Christopher’s is turned into a mass assembly of pharmaceuticals, toiletries, school supplies, support materials – and even musical instruments.  This is a great, busy time and members of St Christopher’s, along with participants from as far away as Houston and Lubbock combine their efforts to “get things ready”


On a Wednesday or Thursday in July, the group convenes at the Houston Intercontinental Airport with duffle bags full of medicine – and minimum personal luggage. Some will have stuffed toys in their bags to share with the children they meet in Honduras (and this brings a few smiles in the security line). 


Medical practitioners from locations all over the country meet up, along with support participants.  The group, numbering in the 50s, heads to Tegucigalpa and the mission trip gets underway the next day with assignments to individual rural villages. 


Every day physical ailments are addressed. Nutrition and hygiene education is provided, and hearts touch between the participants and the wonderful, gracious people of Honduras. Seven days later, the Mission is considered complete – with many looking forward to next year’s trip. Participants like to say, “We leave with full bags and empty hearts and return with empty bags and full hearts”


(Membership in St Christopher’s is not required to participate in this life changing trip…but once you’ve gone you will always have family at St. Christopher’s)