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Oct 13, 2011 | EDOT Staff

St. Christopher's Pet Blessing Includes Service Animals

St. Chris Pet Blessing

Sarah Lawrence, wife of associate rector the Rev.
Dean Lawrence holds their dog, Gimli 

On Sunday, October 2, St. Christopher's, League City, had its 1st Annual Service of Blessing of the Animals in remembrance of St. Francis of Assisi. The Blessing Service began at 9:30 a.m. on the front lawn of the church.


Many species of pets were represented, dogs of all sizes and breeds, cats of many colors, a ferret, an exotic bird, and an iguana. Each received a blessing from either the Rev. Tom Day or the Rev. Dean Lawrence, each of whom blessed his own pet.


St. Christopher's League City neighbors were invited to bring their pets to the special outdoor service. An officer with the Dickinson Police Department K-9 Unit Dogs answered many questions about his partners. Several therapy (companion) dogs, who visit nursing homes and some hospitals for the benefit of the residents and patients, also had a presence. The local vet offered her services and advice to the pet owners, and the Friends of the League City Animal Shelter brought their mobile unit, complete with pups and kitties eligible for adoption.


“All of our pets are special, because they are part of our families," said the Rev. Tom Day, rector of St. Christopher's. "We celebrate this service of the Blessing of the Animals to recognize the importance of all God’s creatures, and to give thanks to our Creator for their presence among us.”


St. Christopher's is already planning for October 7, 2012, when they will host the 2nd Annual Service Blessing of the Animals. St. Christopher Episcopal Church is located at 2508 St. Christopher Avenue at FM 518, in League City. For additional information call 281.332.5553 or visit their website.


Several other churches across the Diocese of Texas have also offered pet blessings. Click here to see photos.


The Diocese is also sponsoring a pet blessing in conjunction with Houston BARC on Saturday, October 15. Click here to learn more.