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Sep 27, 2013

St. Cyprian's School Unveils Dyslexia Center in Lufkin

art and nita caskey
Nita Caskey with the Rev. Art Callaham,
rector of St. Cyprian's Church

The Rev. John F. Caskey was a 29 year old associate minister at Trinity Church in Galveston, Texas when he became the third rector of St. Cyprian’s in Lufkin in 1955. He went to the Scottish Rite Hospital in Dallas to learn how to teach children with a little known disability called Dyslexia. Now, St. Cyprian's honors Caskey's legacy by unveiling the John F. Caskey Dyslexia Center.


"It is amazing to see the branches of Father Caskey's legacy live on 30 years after he left Lufkin,” says Brinn Williford, principal of St. Cyprian’s School. "We should all be so fortunate to make such an impact in the lives of children. Today was truly a testimony."


Special guests in the audience for the unveiling were Caskey’s wife, Nita, and his first Dyslexia student, Jay Shands.


“Father Caskey would be very proud of how this program has grown and changed the lives of students throughout East Texas,” said Shands. “We are honored to have his wife Nita in the audience today. Lives are still being changed, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without him.”



About the program

St. Cyprian’s Dyslexia Therapy Program is an alphabetic phonics based program that is designed to provide students with individualized, one-on-one therapy with a Dyslexia therapist.  St. Cyprian’s has four Certified Academic Language Therapists on staff, with two additional therapists in training plus over 30 years of  combined years of  experience in Dyslexia therapy. Onsite testing services are available.


St. Cyprian’s will host the fourth annual Dyslexia Awareness Breakfast beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 1 in the school cafeteria. This event is free and open to the public. For more information about the Dyslexia breakfast or therapy classes, contact Christie Maddux at 936.632.1720.