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Jan 30, 2013 | Jeanie Sablatura

St. David's, Austin, Hosts Green Business Leaders Presentation

On Tuesday, February 5, Rosera Tateosian, Catherine Lee Doar, LEED A.P., and Marc Coudert, Environmental Program Coordinator for the City of Austin’s Office of Sustainability, will give a 90-minute presentation on St. David’s Episcopal Church’s experience and the City of Austin’s incentives for participation in the Austin Green Business Leaders Program.


Rosera Tateosian will present information about St. David’s experience with the GreenFaith program, including energy audit, spreadsheet tools, and changes in recycling and water use, as well as the choice to have both onsite and in-home creation care meetings for congregants and the larger Austin community. Catherine Lee Doar, LEED A.P., and a St. David’s Environmental Guild member, will talk about current operations at St. David’s and the Guild’s partnership with the City of Austin’s Office of Sustainability’s Austin Green Business Leaders Program. Marc Coudert will give a short presentation on the City’s efforts to promote green practices in business.


This presentation will take place at St. David’s Church, 301 East 8th St., 7-8:30 p.m. All are welcome.