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Jun 16, 2011

St. David's, Austin, Installs Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

St. David’s, Austin, recently installed two electric vehicle (EV) charging stations for electric powered vehicles, making the St. David’s garage one of the first garages in downtown Austin equipped with these devices. This installation is in collaboration with the church’s rising involvement in environmental conservation. Up to four cars can be charged at one time.


According to a May 15, 2011 story in the Austin American-Statesman, “One study, by a leading electric power research group, projects that Austin could have 192,000 such vehicles within 10 years.” With the number of these vehicles in our society increasing, the church considers it a matter of Christian Stewardship to install these stations.


“As people of faith, we know that God has entrusted care of the created order to us,” said St. David’s Rector David Boyd. “As the first garage in Austin to install these EV charging stations, this is a reflection of our theology, our commitment to the environmental movement and of our involvement in GreenFaith.” 


Established in 1992, GreenFaith is an international religious-environmental movement aimed at putting religious-environmental beliefs into action. Last summer, St. David’s Episcopal Church was accepted into the GreenFaith Certification Program, the nation’s first interfaith environmental certification program for places of worship. St. David’s is the first worship community in Texas to join this prestigious national program