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Mar 27, 2013 | Jeanie Sablatura

St. David's Lauded by Critics at SXSW

st. david's sxsw 2013
Blue Sky Riders at St. David's
Photo by Paul Brick

2013 was another good year for St. David's as an official SXSW music venue. Fifty-four bands performed between the stages in Bethell Hall and the Historic Church. Based on all of the positive comments that the 30-plus volunteers and the Hospitality staff heard in the Café Divine Lounge, everyone had a great time and enjoyed being in a place where they could sit, relax, eat great food, and listen to fabulous musicians.


"Thank you to everyone who made the Austin visitors feel at home, and a special shout-out to all the staff members who worked crazy long hours to pull off an event of this magnitude," said Lisa Kay Pfannenstiel, St. David's Director of Special Events.


St. David's received national exposure and many praises (see below) for its hospitality and set-up, encouraging SXSW attendees to seek out St. David's next year for all it has to offer.

The Washington Post (see page 2)
Los Angeles Times
The New Yorker (Blog)