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Mar 13, 2013 | Jeanie Sablatura

St. David's Presents Hymn Festival

St. David’s Episcopal Church, 301 E. 8th St., is very pleased to announce a community-wide hymn festival on Tuesday, April 23, at 7:30 p.m. in St. David’s Historic Church.

The festival, “Let All the World in Every Corner Sing!” will be led by St. David’s organist Austin Haller and will feature the St. David’s Singers and Parish Choirs, the St. David’s Chamber Handbell Ensemble, and trumpeter Timothy Shaffer. The assembled musicians will lead the audience in the dynamic singing of hymnody that spans the entire liturgical year, from well-loved favorites to more obscure musical gems, and from German chorales to American folk tunes, spirituals, plainsong, and more.

Freewill donations will be accepted to benefit St. David’s Music Endowment, which provides for the glorification of God through music for future generations. Complimentary parking will be available in the St. David’s garage at 8th and Trinity Streets. For more information, please contact Katie Keenan, Communications Coordinator, at (512) 610-3556; or visit

About Austin Haller: Austin Haller is Organist and Associate Director of Music at St. David’s, and he also serves as organist for the Conspirare Youth Choirs. As a recitalist and accompanist, he has performed throughout the United States; and he has been heard with many local ensembles, including the Austin Symphony, Austin Children’s Choir, Texas Choral Consort, Amphion Youth Choir, University of Texas Concert Chorale, and St. Edward’s University choruses.

About St. David’s: St. David’s was established in 1847 and is one of the oldest Episcopal churches in the country. With 2,400 members, St. David’s strives to be an inclusive community committed to worship, fellowship, Christian formation and outreach in the Austin community. St. David’s offers seven services each Sunday and prayer services during the week.