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Jun 22, 2011

St. Francis, Prairie View, Sunday Schoolers Send NetsforLife® Gift

St. Francis of Assisi, Prairie View, recently sent $106.76 for NetsforLife®, an Episcopal Relief and Development program committed to fighting malaria in Africa through the use of insecticide treated mosquito nets. The funds were raised by St. Francis' Sunday School class, which only has three students.


Tania Livingston, Amanda Cedillo-Johnson, and Treon Livingston wrote a letter to the Diocese of Texas along with a check. 


"We worked hard to raise money for the NetsforLife® project by collecting loose change each Sunday and putting it in a big jar," wrote the students of ages 6, 10, and 11. "We hope that this will save the lives of some of the people in Africa."


The money is enough to purchase eight nets with some left over. Each net could save up to three lives, putting potential lives saved by the St. Francis Sunday School at more than 24 people.


For more information about how to donate to NetsforLife® visit our webpage at