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Dec 03, 2020

St. George's, Austin, Raises Thousands in Hands for Hope Campaign

Members of St. George's, Austin, raised over $7,000 to support El Buen Samaritano's Hands for Hope campaign. 

In total, 1,250 local families were served. On Saturday, November 21, 800 families received Thanksgiving meal kits including all the essentials to cook a holiday meal, with enough to share with friends and family. In addition, 450 families of El Buen’s partner organizations received vouchers to purchase Thanksgiving meal items, and another 500 families will receive a meal kit in December!

Their gifts did more than feed families for Thanksgiving – they will ensure that families are able to receive emergency assistance all year long through El Buen’s food pantry, whether that’s vegetables, baby food, or even cleaning supplies.