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Apr 05, 2018

St. George’s Honors Heroes as Signs of Hope for Texas City Community

Sat., April 14th, 6 p.m. Join St. George’s for a barbecue dinner to celebrate the hero in everyone of us.

St. George’s Episcopal Church will honor its rector, the Rev. Robin Reeves, recently named one of Galveston County’s Hometown heroes by the Galveston County Daily News, at the church’s annual Spring Soiree on April 14. The Soiree supports several ministries at St. George’s that have helped underserved community members in Texas City, including a cooking class for children with Chef Jimmy Graves.

Additional Galveston County Hometown Heroes and several special members of the congregation will receive Signs of Hope* during the festivities as a reminder that each person is a sign of hope wherever they are.

“See the change you want in the world,” Reeves said, “and name these as signs of hope. Everyday there are those around us that make a difference by their small acts of kindness, a cheerful disposition, love for our neighbors,” she said, adding, “I’m honored to have been chosen as a hometown hero, but it’s because of the work our parishioners have done here at St. George’s that we are having such an impact in the community.” She invited others to the upcoming event to help acknowledge “the heroes in our midst.”

The evening will feature a cake auction, courtesy of the men of St. Georges; a silent auction of artistically created signs of hope, a chicken dinner and music from the S.L.E.D. Quartet.
Tickets are $15 each and available through the church office Monday – Thursday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Contact Sharon Willingham at 409.739.6967.

*Signs of Hope is a project of St. George’s in which painted wooden signs with the word “hope” are given away and spread throughout the community.

St. George’s seeks to be a sign of hope to the Texas City community through worship on Sundays at 8 and 10:30 a.m. and a variety of ways to grow in mind, body and spirit. St. George’s & Chef Jimmy’s Kid’s Cooking club for kids every second Saturday April 14 will be drumming and cooking outdoors – Noon to 2 p.m. Garden of Hope teaching garden (A&M’s Jr. Master Gardener classes for Roosevelt Wilson’s Elementary Fourth Graders)

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