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Jan 12, 2016 | Kevin Thompson

St. George's, Texas City Hosts Ecumenical Prayer Service for Peace

Recently, St. George’s, Texas City led their community in an ecumenical prayer service for peace in the world following the terrorist attacks in Paris November 13, 2015. Through lit candles and prayer, members of the community came to grieve and pray for the victims of violence both at home and abroad.


“Many people who came felt the need to be intercessor's … for different places in the world [that especially need prayers] for peace in the midst of great violence,” said the Rev. Robin K. Reeves, rector at St. George’.


The service on November 17 ended with participants adding color and prayers to a silk painting by local artist Lisa Tenney that was sent to French President Francois Hollande as a sign of peace and solidarity. 


Reeves was quick to point out that “prayer is the most powerful thing” a community can do in the face of violence and that it really “does change things.” The noonday prayer service used a litany for peace and included leaders from local Baptist and Catholic congregations.


“I was keen on pointing us all to the reality that even in the midst of such senseless violence - God still reigns and is the bigger story,” Reeves said.

