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Jan 14, 2021

St. John the Divine, Houston, Offers Class on Human Trafficking

St. John the Divine's GO Ministry is hosting a two-part online class focused on Human Trafficking that is open to all throughout the Diocese. The class will meet Wednesdays, February 3 & 10 at 6:30 pm via Zoom.


February 3, 6:30 pm
In the first session, Debi Tengler, chief relations officer for Arrow & Child Family Ministries will present "The A,B,Cs, and Ds of Anti-Trafficking".

February 10, 6:30 pm
In the second session, Joe Madison and Chris Harrison of Demand Disruption will lead the presentation: "Why Does Human Sex Trafficking Exist".

Participants will learn eye-opening connections between human sex trafficking, the multi-billion dollar pornography industry, and other elements fueling skyrocketing demand for commercial sex services. Exploitation exists in a cycle of supply and demand that must be disrupted. Join the classes to learn how to help safeguard your family and how our commitment to love of God and neighbor can be lived out as we work together to end the demand for sex trafficking.

Sign up for the class here, and learn more about Go Ministries here.