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Jun 27, 2012 | EDOT Staff

St. Julian of Norwich, Austin, Blesses the Foundation of New Church Home

St. Julian's - Austin
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Three years following their first public worship service in June 2009, St. Julian's, Austin, partnered with the Quin Foundation to build a new permanent church in far Northwest Austin at 7700 Cat Hollow Blvd in Round Rock. The location is at the confluence of far Northwest Austin, Round Rock and Cedar Park.


Since its beginning, St. Julian's has grown from a plant team of 15 people to over 100 active adults and children.  The new facility includes a worship space that will seat up to 150 people, rooms for Christian Education, a nursery, offices, caterers kitchen, restrooms and a sacristy.


The new church will provide the opportunity for morning worship, multiple worship services and a place to gather during the week for spiritual formation and other church related gatherings. 


On June 3rd, the community gathered on the foundation of the new facility to bless the building before construction began and place in the ground of the foundation prayers, hopes and dreams for God's work in and through the ministry of St. Julian's centered in this new church. The first service in the new facility is schedule for August 26, 2012 at 9:30 AM, and the space will be dedicated by the Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle on All Saints' Day, November 1, 2012 at 6:30 PM.