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Apr 11, 2013

St. Luke's Health Charities Funds La Porte After School Program

St. John's GardenSt. John's After School Program in La Porte announced that St. Luke's Episcopal Health Charities has awarded them a grant of $32,000. The Charities supports organizations that improve the health and well being of the underserved in our community, and St. John's has benefitted from their generosity in many ways over the years. 


St. John's After School Program accepts economically disadvantaged students from La Porte Elementary School. Current enrollment is 60 students. They follow the LPISD calendar and have recently expanded their operation into the summer months to better serve students. The program offers homework assistance, tutoring, sign-language, chess club, Chapel, and many other creative activities.


Recently the students began to cultivate a "pizza garden" with the help of adult volunteers. Papa John's Pizza in La Porte has been coming to the center twice a year to let the children make their own individual pizzas.  The garden will allow the children to harvest their own tomatoes and vegetables to make into a pizza sauce. This week, the students began a rotation for caring for the garden.


For more information about St. John's After School Program, visit, email or call 281.470.2575.


In addition to providing grants, the Charities offers capacity building services and supports organizational networking, collaboration, sustainability and program evaluation throughout the 57-county Episcopal Diocese of Texas. We have been truly blessed by their support, and wish to offer a heartfelt "thank you!" to them for helping our program reach its full potential.