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Apr 20, 2011 | Patricia Swaby

St. Luke's, Livingston, Youth Raise $1,000 for F.A.I.T.H. Military Support Group

Richard Swaby, Jared Mowles, Leah Berlin, Rose Speights,

Katherine Landgrebe, Bea Ellis, and Patricia Swaby. 

The EYC Group, Here ‘N’ Now, of St. Luke’s, Livingston, presented F.A.I.T.H. (Families and Individuals Thanking Heroes) military support group a check for $1,000 last Thursday.


The St. Luke’s youth come together once a month with F.A.I.T.H. military support group, to assist in packing boxes for our military men and women overseas and stateside that are in one way or another connected to the Livingston community. 


The youth chose F.A.I.T.H. for their local outreach project because it is close at heart. Youth member, Katherine Landgrebe's aunt, Bea Ellis, founded the group and her grandmother, Rose Speights works closely on the project. Wanting to do more, the youth presented a letter of asking to the church vestry providing details about the outreach and the cost of postage to mail the boxes. The vestry voted and approved to donate a portion of their annual outreach funds.