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Jun 18, 2012 | Patricia Swaby

St. Luke's, Livingston, Youth Reach Out

St. Luke's Youth
Jared Mowles & Daniel Van Winkle
move a chair for a customer at the Oasis

St. Luke’s Livingston EYC student ministry has been doing service work one Saturday a month at their resale shop, The Oasis.  The funds earned are to help defer the cost of participation in social events, both local (with other churches) and convocation wide outings. 


In March the group ‘united’ with other Livingston churches (many denominations) in a Disciples Now weekend. On Youth Sunday (held on Ascension Sunday) the youth participated in the service as Lectors, Readers, and Acolytes. The youth performed a skit on what they would do if Jesus were here today. A ‘mock’ TV interview was performed between two youths, conveying the support the Diocese of Texas has given to offer aid to Bastrop, helping the many families that were devastated from the fires last summer. The EYC has sent $100 in gift cards to help with the ongoing relief.