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Jun 28, 2013 | EDOT Staff

St. Mark's Student Participates in Statewide Citizenship Program

jordan janke st. mark's
Jordan Janke was "elected"
State Agriculture Commissioner

Jordan Janke, a member of St. Mark's, Richmond, represented needville High School at the 2013 Texas Bluebonnet Girls State session held in Seguin, June 16-22. The educational program is sponsored annually by the American Legion Auxiliary of Texas and provides citizenship training for high school girls selected for their outstanding citizenship, scholarship, leadership and interest in government. 


The program affords an opportunity to learn about duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of American citizenship.  The session culminated with a trip to the State Capitol Building in Austin on June 21 where they convened a joint mock legislature in the State Capitol and a joint session gathered in the Texas Senate Chambers.


Janke was "elected" State Agriculture Commissioner. She is the daughter of Kim and Phyllis Janke of Needville.