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Dec 14, 2021

St. Martin’s Hosts Advent Quiet Day with Presiding Bishop Curry as Special Guest

The Most Rev. Michael Curry led a reflective day of prayer, meditation, and contemplation on December 11 at St. Martin’s, Houston—part of the church’s Advent Quiet Day celebration.

The event was co-hosted by St. James’, Houston, and sponsored by the Order of the Daughters of the King of St. Martin’s.

Other clergy who participated included: the Rev. Victor Thomas, rector of St. James’, Houston; the Rev. Cynthia Briggs Kittredge, dean and president of Seminary of the Southwest; the Rev. Dr. Leigh Spruill, rector of St. John the Divine, Houston; the Very Rev. Barkley Thompson, dean of Christ Church Cathedral; and the Rev. Dr. Russell Levenson Jr., rector of St. Martin’s.

St. Martin’s Director of Contemporary Music, Wayne Watson, performed several meaningful hand-picked musical selections to accompany Bishop Curry’s messages.

The purpose of Advent Quiet Day is to slow down, be quiet, and wait for the coming of Jesus.