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Jun 08, 2011

St. Martin's, Houston, Donates $40,000 for Japan Relief

After the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan earlier this year, St. Martin's, Houston, began collecting donations to help. Within a month, the church was able to raise $40,000.


The funds were sent to Episcopal Relief and Development, which is helping those still affected after the disaster. 


St. Martin's is also currently raising donations for the survivors of the recent tornadoes in the south and Missouri. So far, St. Martin's has collected more than $25,000 in response to the storms. The funds have been sent to different places including the Diocese of Alabama and local parishes in storm-stricken areas.


"St. Martin's has a long history of supporting outreach and relief efforts," said the Rev. Ken Fields, vice rector. "Of its annual 10 million dollar budget each year, fully 20 percent, or 2 million dollars, is given to outreach projects."