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Aug 30, 2012

St. Martin's Russ Levenson Leads the RNC in an Opening Prayer

The Rev. Dr. Russell Levenson of St. Martin's, Houston, led the Republican National Convention in an opening prayer on Monday, August 27. Levenson's church is the largest Episcopal congregation in the country and is the home church of former President George H. W. Bush. 


The text of his prayer is below:


Almighty God, father of the whole human family. We thank you and ask your blessing as we gather for this uniquely American moment. We thank Governor Scott and the people of Florida who have opened their arms of hospitality and welcomed those gathering here into their midst. Lord, you who give life, health and safety, we pray for those already affected by the hurricane and those in its path. Keep them safe, Lord. Provide for their every need and bless those who assist them in this time of trial.

We also remember today one of our great American heroes, Neal Armstrong, who captured the American spirit as he reminded us Americans have always reached for the stars, inspiring all humankind to do what others deemed impossible. We thank you for guiding our nation’s founders who secured the inalienable rights that you bestow upon us: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We ask you to guide and directed with your wisdom our President, Congress and the courts. May America continue to be a light unto all the nations, enabling those who lead us to make dreams, hopes and aspirations of all Americans into realities, and to make the American ideal a certainty not just for some, but for all.

And finally, by your mercy may we never forget that our freedoms have been won with the blood and the sacrifice of our patriots, always remember that our industry and innovation has been forged with the sweat and toil of American men and women, always believe that houses of worship and places of service are born of the fruit of your inspiration, the desire to honor and serve others, and may we never forget that we are at our best when we know in our hearts that we are not just one nation, but one nation under God. In the name of our Lord I pray, Amen.