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Apr 11, 2012

St. Mary's, Lampasas, Raises More Than $5,000 in Relay for Life

St. Mary's Relay for life
Mary Halvorson and Bonilee Garrett 

St. Mary's, Lampasas, raised $5,304.11 in support of cancer research at Relay for Life, a fundraiser sponsored by the American Cancer Society. The 2012 "Holy Cows" relay team included 40 people who walked 160 miles over the course of the night.


"We could not have done it without the hard work and seriously creative efforts of everyone in our parish family," said Mary Raring-Hart.


St. Mary’s created some unusual and artistic fundraising ideas. The ECW sewed aprons, banners, and "chemo turbans" over the course of several Saturdays. Parishioner Maureen Adams created a one-of-a-kind NASA basket for auction that contained autographs from astronauts, NASA ball caps, and other items. Libby Bluntzer made purses. Cheryl Ann Wendele sold knitting bags, and Sharon Archie sold books and other items on eBay.