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Jul 29, 2013 | Carol E. Barnwell

St. Mary's Youth Visit with Bishop Doyle



A dozen youth from St. Mary's, Cypress visited with Bishop Andy Doyle July 25 during their tour of the Diocesan Center, Christ Church Cathedral and it's ministries to the homeless. During their time with the Bishop, the junior and senior high students asked about the "perks" of the Bishop's job. "Hanging out with you guys," said Bishop Andy Doyle, "visiting churches, seeing the ministry that is done and representing you to the rest of the church and the Anglican Communion," he added.

When someone asked him what his favorite Bible character was, the Bishop noted Jonah without any hesitation. "It's hilarious," he said, "This giant whale eats Jonah, then spits him up on the sand covered with saliva … It's like we think we are in control then we end up getting spit out on the beach, covered with saliva … it reminds me how much I rely on God." The Bishop threw a slight curve when he added, "My other favorite character is Esther, but I'll let you look that one up to see why."

Bishop Doyle answered questions about clergy collars, family, spirituality and politics. He reminded the students that his job, and theirs as well, was to see one another as God sees everyone. In this way, there is space to disagree about one thing or another and still respect one another. Following a brief photo session, the Bishop reminded the youth group that "It's not enough to go to church on Sunday or to youth group. We are committed to loving our neighbor and making their life better."