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Mar 08, 2018

St. Stephen’s Coach Named Member of National Fitness Foundation’s Honorary Board


Cross Country Coach Paul Carrozza with the St. Stephen’s cross country
team after winning the fall 2017 SPC Championship


St. Stephen’s Episcopal School is pleased to announce that Paul Carrozza, head coach of the school’s cross country, track and swimming teams, has been named a member of the inaugural National Fitness Foundation’s honorary board.

The official charity of the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition (PCSFN), the National Fitness Foundation’s honorary board consists of 27 former members of the PCSFN, spanning five decades and eight presidential administrations. Carrozza was a member of the PCSFN under President George W. Bush from 2000 to 2008.

Carrozza is a familiar face to many athletes and runners in the Austin area. The founder of Run Tex in the late 1980s, he is credited with building the city’s reputation for promoting and supporting active lifestyles. Carrozza has led the St. Stephen’s cross country and track teams since 2015 as a part-time coach. He joined the faculty full time in August 2018, when he also began leading the school’s swimming and diving program and teaching physical education and health classes. Carrozza holds a B.S. in biology from Abilene Christian University, where he earned All-American honors in the 1500M in 1985.

“The St. Stephen’s school community is thrilled to celebrate this great honor with Coach Carrozza, who has dedicated his life and career to promoting athletic pursuits and healthy living,” said Jon McCain, director of athletics at St. Stephen’s. “We are proud to have Paul train our student-athletes and serve as a model for healthy living for all Spartans.”

According to the National Fitness Foundation website, the organization was chartered by Congress in 2010 as a non-partisan nonprofit to support the mission of the PCSFN. The Foundation’s honorary board was established in February 2018 to commemorate the dedicated service of proven health and fitness leaders and provide them with the opportunity to engage in their work leading programs and driving innovations that prepare children for a lifetime of health and fitness.