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Oct 23, 2013

St. Stephen’s Dedicates New Brewster Memorial Cross

The St. Stephen’s Episcopal School community gathered alongside returning alumni and friends during the school’s annual Reunion Weekend to dedicate a new Brewster Memorial Cross. In attendance were a bevy of alumni from 62 years of graduating classes, as well as members of the Brewster family, who came to honor the founding head of school and monument’s namesake.

“William Brewster understood Christianity as the primary source of service to others,” said the Rev. Will Brewster ’51 of his father. “He believed in personal integrity, kindness to others, fairness in his dealings and justice for all people. He believed in educating the whole person: body, mind and spirit.

“As we are gathered here surrounding this simple but elegant cross, let us remember it represents a vision,” he noted. “It is a vision of a Christianity that looks beyond nation, state and church to the Creator of all for wisdom. Thanks be to God that we live in a country that allows free expression of our faith and the faiths of all who come to our shores and this school. May this cross be the beacon of light to all.”

The new 8-foot beveled cross, made of Texas Sunset Red Granite, is an exact replica of the original cross from the 1950s that was damaged during relocation to the school’s Memorial Garden approximately 15 years ago. A wooden replacement stood in its place until late August, when the new granite cross was installed in its proper place, overlooking the Hill Country on the west edge of campus near the Chapel.

“Reunion is always a special event on The Hill, but this year proved particularly moving, as we gathered to celebrate and honor our founding head’s vision for St. Stephen’s,” said Head of School Robert E. Kirkpatrick. “The new granite cross is symbolic of the bedrock of principles upon which the school stands today. The faces and buildings on campus may have changed over the years, but our commitment to rigorous academics, diversity, serving others and inclusion remains central to our daily lives.”