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May 11, 2018

St. Stephen’s to Host “Austin Under the Stars” Annual Summer Event

St. Stephen’s Episcopal School and the Austin Astronomical Society are pleased to invite members of the greater Austin community to experience the marvels of the night sky. “Austin Under the Stars” will be held on St. Stephen’s Phipps Field from 6 p.m. to midnight on Saturday, June 2. This event is free and open to the public.

For the 21st consecutive year, members of Austin’s Astronomical Society will be out in force with more than 20 telescopes of various sizes and types to introduce the public to some of the fascinating objects visible in the summer evening skies. Attendees should be able to observe Jupiter and Saturn, as well as the first quarter moon under the guidance of knowledgeable astronomers. Weather permitting, participants also will have the chance to view great star clusters, amazing stellar remnants, colorful double stars, and even a few galaxies far, far away….

The Texas Museum of Science and Technology also will be on hand with a portable planetarium that will offer a detailed map of the summer night sky. Their members will provide stimulating facts and answer any question attendees might have about astronomy, telescopes, planetary features, stellar evolution and lunar geography. There also will be several telescopes set up to enable participants to safely view the sun.

“If you have never seen the Austin sky through a powerful telescope, this event will provide you with memories to last a lifetime,” said Frank Mikan, St. Stephen’s science department chair. “It could light the spark in a young student that leads them to a career in science or astronomy, or it could provide an adult with the opportunity to feel more in touch with the great universe around us.

“We also will explore our human connections with the night sky by discussing the various mythological stories that have been created throughout the centuries,” Mikan added. “The program promises to be fun for all ages. We hope to see everyone out with us, under the night sky!”

 For further information and maps, please visit the Austin Astronomical Society website at or contact Frank Mikan at or Jim Lynch, Austin Astronomical Society chair, at .