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May 18, 2015

St. Thomas Students Win at State Competition

Elliott Miles, Nathan Samuell and Walter Kilgore participated in state-wide scholastic competition and brought home awards to St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal School, Nassaw Bay.




Despite being one of the smallest schools in the state-wide competition, three students from St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal School brought home first and fourth place medals from the Private Schools Interscholastic Association (PSIA) State Academic Meet on May 2. The competition was held at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth


The journey to state competition began with school-level competitions. From these competitions, St. Thomas sent 14 students to the district competition in March where students competed in 29 academic contests and earned eight awards. Three of the students—Elliott Miles, Nathan Samuell and Walter Kilgore—went on to the state competition and entered four contests. Kilgore won first place in state for fourth grade spelling and Samuell earned a fourth place in the same category. St. Thomas students consistently earn awards in the top six places in numerous categories. The school has been voted as the Best Private School in the Bay Area for two years in a row.