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Jul 20, 2018

St. Thomas the Apostle Offers an Icon Writing Workshop

St. Thomas the Apostle, Nassau Bay invites you to immerse yourself in iconography with a week-long Icon Writing Workshop from Monday, August 6 through Friday, August 10 taught by Teresa Harrison and Kara Nelson.  In this Icon Writing Workshop, participants learn the prayerful practice of painting or "writing" a Byzantine style icon.  The emphasis is on the meditative, step by step process of painting an icon, using acrylic paints and gold leaf, as well as on the spiritual practice of allowing God to work in us and through us.  The workshop will run from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. each day.

Teresa Harrison of Jacksonville, FL, is a lifelong Episcopalian and has studied with master iconographers Phillip Zimmerman and Ksenia Pokrovsky. Her work has been published in The Living Church and Anglican Episcopal World. She is very well known as an outstanding iconographer and will be leading the St. Thomas’ workshop.

Kara Nelson grew up in Portland, OR, studied Art History at the State University and joined the Episcopal Church in 2014. Kara became an assistant in Teresa Harrison's workshops in 2016 and demonstrated icon writing at St. Thomas in May of 2018.

Please contact the Rev. Mike Stone at St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church for additional information or to register for the workshop by calling 281.333.2384.