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Jul 17, 2017 | Paulette E. Martin

St. Thomas the Apostle to Bless and Distribute Backpacks


For the fourth consecutive year, St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church and School, Nassau Bay will distribute 120 backpacks with school supplies to Title 1 students at McWhirter Elementary School in Webster.

The backpacks will be blessed and distributed August 15th during the 10:30 am service by the Rev. Mike Stone.

Parishioners who picked up a backpack at the church will fill it up with supplies such as pencils, tissues, composition books and binders. Each of the backpacks has a list of supplies based on the child’s school grade.

“We want the kids to feel as normal as possible and make sure that they have what they need for their first day of school,” Susan Manville, Administrative Assistant said.

Manville explains that 90 percent of the students at McWhirter Elementary are Title 1 students—students from low-income families who receive free and reduced lunch programs and adds that approximately 300 students in Clear Creek ISD are homeless.

For more information, please contact the Rev. Mike Stone at 281.333.1340 or visit