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Jul 13, 2021

St. Vincent’s House Aids Galveston Fishermen

St. Vincent’s House partnered up with UTMB Health to distribute COVID-19 vaccines, glucose and blood tests, physician consultations and other health services at the Vietnamese fishing dock. The outreach event took place Monday, July 12, 2021.

Executive Director of St. Vincent’s House, Paula Tobon-Stevens, shared that one of the clients they assisted had to be transferred to the hospital after one of the medical personnel discovered his blood pressure was dangerously high. Another client had to receive additional testing to evaluate his health.

Along with health services, residents also received sunscreen, water, antibacterial hand sanitizer. Transportation was also provided to those who needed it.

Over 50 fishermen in the community were served.

St. Vincent’s House is a faith-based social ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas that extends a helping hand to economically and resource-challenge citizens throughout Galveston County.