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Oct 10, 2011 | EDOT Staff

Starry Nights Benefits Camp Allen

Starry Nights Camp Allen

Evelyn Howell (Faith), Helen Appelberg (Hope),

Sally Rutherford (Charity)

Camp Allen held their annual Starry Nights event at the Junior League of Houston on October 6. Almost 300 people attended the event, raising more than $37,000 for the Camp Allen summer camp scholarship fund.


"With the economic times, we were very pleased with the turnout and the support for this important event"  said George Dehan, Camp Allen's president. 


The theme for the event was Faith, Hope, and Charity as Evelyn Howell (faith), the Rev. Helen Appelberg (Hope), and Sally Bell Rutherford (Charity) were outstanding honorees. 


The Rev. Patrick Miller, rector of St. Mark's in Bellaire, served aas the evening's entertaining auctioneer while squeezing $4,000 out of the live longhorn bidding. There were five Bishops, both active and retired, present for the evening's festivities.