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Jun 13, 2016 | C. Andrew Doyle

Statement from Bishop Doyle on the Mass Shooting in Orlando

In the modern history of mass shootings in America, Orlando is the deadliest - Hate engendered violence leading to more hatred. This shooting, its shooter, and victims, will be politically used to create more hate that will lead to more violence. The shooting is caused by hate for those who are different and it will expand hatred for still others. Availability of weapons that can cause this level will be defended due to the hate. All of which is unjustifiable. We live in a nation that pretends civility and Christian values while rejecting the core and central tenets of Christian faith: love God and love neighbor and help create a peaceable kingdom. We live in a country that is revealing its underbelly of death, hate, and love of violence.


I pray for the victims of hatred, I pray for those who use fear and hatred to inspire further violence towards others, I pray for our country.


Our Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, or a staff member on his behalf, posted a piece in the wake of the shootings, it is from Galatians 6:7: "Do not be deceived. God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." He now states it was a mistake and planned before the shooting. It was taken down. Maybe it was taken down because it was in poor taste and timing.


The shooter is now believed to be a radical terrorist of Isis. The shooter was on a watch list but able to purchase an assault rifle because of our sad state of gun laws in the US.


The Internet is already full of unchristian, disrespectful, and horrific responses supporting the shooting and demonizing Islam.


The reality is that we in this country are responsible for creating a place where hate speech is glorified, unnecessary weapons of mass destruction are freely accessible, and violence is cheered.


Yes America, we are reaping what we sow.


Violence and hatred shall beget only more violence and hatred. Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy.


The Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, IX Bishop of Texas