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Jun 18, 2013 | Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs

Still Time to Register for the 2013 TENS Conference

There’s still time to register for the 2013 Conference of The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) on July 12 and 13 at the Episcopal Commons of Utah in Salt Lake City, Diocese of Utah.

And, if traveling isn’t possible for in-person attendance, participation from afar is being offered through live webcasting. For the first time in the organization’s history, TENS will broadcast the opening worship, three plenary addresses, and four workshops over the two-day gathering.

Exploring stewardship as a response of faithfulness will be the major focus of the conference, centering on the theme Flourish in Faith.  The conference is designed to offer congregational and diocesan stewardship teams the theological, scriptural and practical aspects of stewardship information and annual giving.

Keynote presenters include J. Clif Christopher, well-known author of Not Your Parents Offering Plate and Rich Church Poor Church, and Bishop Bruce Caldwell, retired bishop of the Diocese of Wyoming. In addition, sixteen workshops will be offered on topics that range from capital campaign readiness to stewardship in Latino congregations. A listing of workshops is available here.

Sponsors for the 2013 Flourish in Faith Stewardship Conference include: the Episcopal Church Development Office; the Episcopal Dioceses of Arizona, California, Olympia and Utah; the Episcopal Church Foundation; Forward Movement; and Horizons Stewardship

Conference and registration is available here.

New this year - Webcast
“Travelling to conferences continues to decrease, however, the need for theologically grounded, comprehensive stewardship formation continues to increase across the wider church,” says the Rev. Laurel Johnston, Executive Director of TENS. “The ability to webcast opening worship, three plenary addresses and four workshops not only bridges this gap, but will bring stewardship ministry teams and vestries together to engage in learning, sharing and planning for stewardship initiatives in their own contexts.”

The webcasts are ideal for group watching and community gathering. So far, Johnston reports that group registrations for the webcast are being received from around the country, including the Diocese of Indianapolis deaneries and St. Mark’s in the Diocese of Los Angeles.

“We envision stewardship ministry teams and vestries gathering in parish halls from Portland, Oregon to Portland, Maine to participate in the webcast together,” says Johnston.

Webcast viewers will be able to interact and ask questions through a designated email and text address.

Slated for live webcasting:
Opening Worship: presided by Bishop Scott Hayashi of the Diocese of Utah; preacher is Dr. J Clif Christopher; welcome by Dean Ray Waldon of the Cathedral Church of
St. Mark’s in Salt Lake City.

Plenary addresses: Dr. J Clif Christopher; Bishop Bruce Caldwell

Workshops: Flourish in Faith Annual Giving Campaign, led by Johnston; Developing a Case for Mission, led by the Rev. Charles La Fond; Telling Your Congregation’s Story through a Ministry Budget, led by Kristine Miller; and Preparing for Planned Giving Ministry, led by Jim Murphy.

Webcast is $75.00 per site or per computer. A link to access the webcast will be emailed 24 hours prior to the conference. The webcast will be available on Mountain Daylight Time and not available for re-broadcast.

Register for the webcast here and click on “webcast.”

For more information contact Johnston,

Under a grant program approved by General Convention 2012 in the churchwide budget and designed to strengthen partnerships with ministry organizations, The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society (DFMS) awarded TENS a grant sufficient to hire Johnston for a period of three years.  DFMS will also provide additional partnership support through human resources, information technology, and collaborative initiatives.