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Sep 10, 2014 | The Rev. Pat Ritchie

Stop. Look. Listen: My Time At The Border

Fire drill?  No, I decided to stop what I was doing and make a trip down to the USA-Mexico border, specifically McAllen where I was aware of a need for volunteers.  


I did some volunteering, helping in the smallest way at the Food Bank that is taking in massive amounts of donated goods and at the Relief Center where immigrants asking for refugee status are given a gracious breath of fresh air before moving to their next destination.  Mostly, I looked and listened and learned.  


Seeing things first hand makes all the difference in the world.  It is easy to sit back and judge things based on the news sources and other people's comments.  But actually going and looking at the Rio Grande river, talking to the Border Patrol agents and other local law enforcement officers, working in the relief center hearing the stories of the local volunteers, and getting to know workers and neighbors at a community center in a nearby colonia was priceless. 

Moving moments for me were seeing a church built in a US colonia by and for people who asked for a church in their neighborhood and seeing the pride they had in the church and the dignity with which they lead their lives.  
The Rev. Pat Ritchie
Walking up to a river ferry that carried three cars and some pedestrians just a stone's throw across to Mexico I thought how that tiny distance is in reality huge.  At another place the US has built a lovely park right on the river and within easy swimming distance were gleeful Mexican citizens swimming.  Kind Border Patrol agents kept a steady watch on the swimmers.  
My heart breaks for my brothers and sisters whose plight is to live in nations where they don't feel safe and their basic needs can't be met. In the photo of me walking up to the ferry the back of my shirt says, "Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?  I will, with God's help.".  That is one of our baptismal vows, BCP p. 305.