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Apr 30, 2018

Texas City Church Bring Hope to Harvey Survivors in Dickinson

Sat., May 5, 11 a.m. Holy Trinity, Dickinson’s 88thAnnual Strawberry Festival 
Join St. George’s, Texas City to help spread love and hope to Galveston County Harvey survivors

Episcopalians from St. George’s, Texas City are gearing up for the annual Strawberry Festival, hosted by Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Dickinson. There will be more than homemade shortcake and pounds and pounds of strawberries. This year, Holy Trinity will focus on bringing resources to their Harvey affected neighbors and St. George’s is bringing the “hope.”

Parishioners from St. George’s plan to fill Holy Trinity hillside with Signs of Hope, wooden signs, decorated and painted with “hope” to let their community know they have not been forgotten and that they are not alone in the recovery process.

“If you’d like to participate,” said the Rev. Robin Reeves, rector of St. George’s, “Gather friends and artists and paint ‘hope’ onto 10 inch pieces of recycled wood and decorate anyway you like, then bring your signs to carpet the community with hope and come and enjoy some famous strawberry shortcake.” 

Anyone driving on Highway 3 will be able to see the field of hope. There will also be a table to make signs at the Strawberry Festival, Reeves said. For more information, contact Reeves at or call her at 832.922.7022.