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Aug 19, 2020

The 2020 Election

“Jon Meacham’s book Soul of America is a great place to start thinking about our work [as engaged Episcopalians]. He suggests that we need to take the duty of American citizenship seriously. Those of us who intend to be good citizens, Christian or other, need to “enter the arena” with those who are already there. Brené Brown talks about this too. It is easy to be in the cheap seats and stay out of the fray. Citizenship is nothing if it is not active. We must “resist tribalism,” Meacham says. With our working understanding of Christian citizenship, enough room for partners across ecumenical and interfaith boundaries, and a strong center, we can easily and non-anxiously join the conversation in the public square. Remember, we seek convivial relationships and conversation-building on unity for the common good. Meacham argues that we need to work to “respect facts and deploy reason.” We must support a free press, difficult answers, and difficult questions. We must think well together and do so publicly. Finally, we must “keep history in mind.” One of the things we must remember is that those who think they know the future are dangerous. The future of our nation is dependent upon us and our cooperative and imaginative engagement.”

 -Bishop Andy Doyle, Citizen: Faithful Discipleship in a Partisan World

The 2020 General Election offers the ideal opportunity for those who are able to consider being of service to both your congregations and to the community in a variety of ways. Anglicans and Episcopalians have a long history of involvement in elections.

This year, more election workers are needed due to the pandemic; people need to get registered to vote, and those who are vulnerable to COVID-19 may need to complete mail-in ballots. Many longtime previous election workers are part of vulnerable populations as it relates to COVID-19. This is an opportunity for a new generation of younger people to take up their civic responsibility as Christians.

The following links may help you determine your place during this season. Information surrounding all phases of the election process can be found for some of our counties at the links below. If your county is not listed, then please contact your respective county clerk’s office for deadlines and other details for your county.  

The following links apply to every county in the state regarding voter registration and the mail-in ballot process:

  • To register to vote, visit here 
  • For information to receive a mail-in ballot, visit here  

About the Postal Service: Due to inconsistent messaging that has come about regarding the United States Postal Service’s role in this year’s election, those who are able, may wish to cast their mail-in ballot in person at the appropriate county-determined location during the allowed timeframes. As a result of those developments, it is important that people who rely on the USPS for the election process are clear about any and all changes that may come about, and that they act timely. Earlier is better.

Another thing to consider as you engage in this process is to share messaging around voter registration, mail-in ballots, and the need for election workers through your various social media platforms.

Democracy is the foundation on which our country was built, and regardless of which side one’s views fall, it is important that everyone’s voice is heard.

“There is no doubt in my mind that Jesus did not imagine that he was securing a private spiritual faith of the individual through his death and resurrection. I do not believe he had any interest in starting a church with no voice in the public square or at tables in people’s homes. He was not an American citizen but instead a part of God’s reign. His is a global vision of a new garden. A garden that is more like the social imaginary of the garden of Eden and less like the gardens of this world. The time is now. There is work to do in God’s garden social imaginary as Christian citizens. There is compassion and faithfulness to be enacted. So hear, see, go, do, follow the way, follow, and like a weed it will grow.”   

     -Bishop Andy Doyle, Citizen: Faithful Discipleship in a Partisan World