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Mar 07, 2012 | Patricia Deal

The Rev. Dr. Rich Barrett Named Fellow of American College of Physicians

Rich Barrett
The Rev. Dr. Rich Barrett was elected a Fellow of the
American College of Physicians. (US Army photo by Patricia
Deal, CRDAMC Public Affairs)

(CRDAMC Public Affairs) A Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center physician recently earned the distinction to add a new string of letters to append to his name: FACP.


Doctor J. Richard “Rich” Barrett, who works in the CRDAMC Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) and Disability Evaluation System Clinic, was elected a Fellow of the American College of Physicians January 1.


Fellowship is a distinct honorary designation that recognizes a doctor’s service and contributions to the practice of medicine and that the doctor’s commitment to providing the best health care possible, according to the ACP. Through continual self-improvement and study, Fellows add to the knowledge and skills needed to deliver appropriate care for patients, whether directly or with other specialists.


ACP Governor, Col. Lisa Zacher, recommended Barrett for Invited Fellowship based on his “outstanding career and superior competence in internal medicine, professional accomplishments, personal integrity and demonstrated scholarship.”


As a new Fellow, Barrett will participate in the Fellowship Convocation ceremony at the ACP’s annual convention scheduled for April 19, 2012, in New Orleans. 


“After more than 40 years of service, 33 years as an Internist, it is an honor to receive this recognition,” Barrett said. “Throughout my career, I have strived to do my best to help people and make a difference.”


His frequent contact with doctors early in his childhood to treat his polio set him on the path toward medicine. His family’s background and experiences with the military led him to the Army.


Starting with ROTC in 1967, Barrett began his journey to become an Army doctor. Upon graduating medical school in 1975, the then Capt. Barrett began his internship and residency at Brooke Army Medical Center, San Antonio Texas. He became board certified in Internal Medicine in 1978.


“It’s been an absolute wonderful time. I’ve been to different parts of the world, held a variety of positions,” he explained. “The first third of my career was spent taking care of patients clinically, then I moved into more leadership and operational roles where I helped guide and shape Army medicine policy. Whether I’m in the clinic or behind the desk, my thoughts are still always focused on how best to meet the medical needs of Soldiers.”


In 2002, the Army forced him to retire after 30 years. But Barrett continued to take of Soldiers as a civilian doctor where he started as the chief of the Soldier Medical Readiness Center and Medical In-Out Processing Center.


Even personal medical issues could not take him out of the game, as he continues to handle a tough workload at the MEB/IDES clinic, still making decisions to best help Soldiers.


His commitment to help people transcends medicine as he became an ordained Episcopalian priest in 2007.


“It gives me great pleasure to serve in both capacities,” said Barrett, vicar of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church of Copperas Cove, Texas. He is sometimes seen, he added, wearing a stethoscope and priestly collar.


“I plan to continue my current role at CRDAMC for the foreseeable future.  I still have both the desire and capability to be of benefit to the organization and its beneficiaries- and, God willing, I will continue to serve Soldiers and their families as I have striven to do for over 40 years… one patient at a time,” he said.


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