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Nov 02, 2011

The Rev. Dr. Russell Levenson to be Featured on Day 1 Radio

The Rev. Dr. Russell Levenson Jr., rector of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Houston is the featured preacher Nov. 27 and Dec. 4, the first two Sundays in Advent, on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the nationally syndicated radio program also accessible online at


Levenson is a graduate of Birmingham Southern College and earned his M.Div. degree from Virginia Theological Seminary. Later he was called as associate rector of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Birmingham, Ala. After completing a D.Min. program at Beeson Divinity School, he served as rector of the Episcopal Church of the Ascension in Lafayette, La., and then at Christ Church Parish in Pensacola, Fla. He became the fourth rector of St. Martin’s, Houston, in 2007.


A prolific writer, he is the author of an Advent devotional book, entitled “Preparing Room.” He has also written a Lenten devotional book, “Provoking Thoughts.”


His message for Nov. 27, based on Mark 13:24-37, is entitled “Two-Minute Warning.” “What is the purpose of Jesus telling his followers about this ‘last day’?... Jesus’ word was not designed to prompt one so much to fear as it was to action. The ‘two-minute warning’ does not say the game is over, it announces now is the time to really play,” he says.


His sermon for Dec. 4, “Making Straight the Way,” is based on the story of John the Baptist in Mark 1:1-8. “If we are really to be part of the Advent season, I think we have to turn to John the Baptist as a model,” he says. “How do we ‘make straight the way’ for the return of our Lord?” Levenson says we must “utterly and wholeheartedly offer our lives to God in Christ,” and then take the skills and resources we have to “make straight the path for others to reach the Kingdom.”


The programs include interviews with Levenson conducted by Wallace, who is also executive producer.


“Day 1” has been broadcast every week for more than 66 years, formerly as “The Protestant Hour.” It is currently distributed to more than 200 radio stations across America and overseas. “Day 1” is produced by the Alliance for Christian Media in cooperation with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, the Episcopal Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the United Church of Christ, the United Methodist Church, and other mainline denominations.


For more information, call toll free 888-411-Day-1 or check the program’s Web site,