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Feb 24, 2015

The Woodlands Outreach Director to Join Pilgrimage to Africa for Refugee Ministry


The outreach coordinator at Trinity, The Woodlands, is reaching out all the way to Nairobi and further. Alyssa Stebbing will join seven other people from across the US on an 11-day pilgrimage to the Great Lakes Region of Africa, March 2-13. The trip is sponsored by Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM), the refugee resettlement service of the Episcopal Church and is designed to raise awareness of ways to help facilitate refugee resettlement work.


“Through #ShareTheJourney, we hope to bring awareness of the plight of Congolese refugees and the ministry of the Church in resettling refugees from Congo and other conflict areas," said Deborah Stein, EMM director. Participants will share their experiences through traditional and social media


Participants will travel to Nairobi, Kenya and Kigali, Rwanda. Among the planned visits are the Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre and the Gihembe Refugee Camp in Rwanda as well as operations supported by Church World Service's Resettlement Support Center (RSC)-Africa, and the UN refugee agency UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees).


Follow Stebbing’s reflections during her pilgrimage at and see for more postings.