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Mar 07, 2017 | Kevin Thompson

Touch-A-Truck Brings Vehicles and Families to Midtown

Horns and sirens filled the air in Midtown on Saturday, March 4 as Trinity, Houston hosted Touch-A-Truck, a unique event that allowed kids and kids-at-heart to get up close and personal with cars, trucks and service vehicles. 

A collaboration between Trinity, Christ Church Cathedral and St. Andrew’s, Houston, the event featured a patrol car from the Houston Police Department, a Houston Fire Department engine, motorcycles, the Abundant Harvest food truck from St. Isidore, garbage truck, boat and even a METRO bus.

“Our goal was to have a ‘no fee, no fuss’ event open to everyone”, said Lisa Puccio, coordinator for Special Needs Ministry and Family Faith Formation at St. Andrew’s. “We planned for the first hour to be a ‘no siren’ time when people with sensory issues could have a less anxious experience.” 

Around 300 people interacted with the vehicles, HPD officers and fire officials throughout the morning. Owners of the cars and trucks were eager to help visitors learn more and a few lucky kids even got to “rev” the engine on the motorcycles.