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Oct 14, 2013

TREC Asks for Input Through Engagement Kit

The Task Force for Re-Imagining the Episcopal Church (TREC) has posted its Engagement Kit and invites input and comments from Episcopalians.

The Engagement Kit is located here.

TREC member the Rev. Craig Loya explained, “This process is designed to continue to engage the church at all levels in an ongoing conversation about how we can re-imagine our structures, governance, and administration in a way that best responds to God's call at this moment in our common life, and helps most faithfully live into the church God is calling us to become in the future.

He continued, “The  Engagement Kit is intended to be used by any local, diocesan, or churchwide gathering.”

The Engagement Kit is downloadable as a PDF or PowerPoint and includes overviews, guidelines for engagement, facilitator’s notes, charts, etc. There is also an opportunity for online engagement, which is a series of four questions.

As posted on the TREC website: “The members of the Taskforce want to hear the memories, hopes and dreams that people have for The Church. We are trying to reach as many people as we can over the next few months. We will use what we hear to help us shape recommendations for The Church’s structure, administration and governance.”


TREC member the Rev. Joseph M.C. Chambers pointed out, “The Engagement Kit on the web offers an opportunity for people to participate as individuals, even though it was designed for in-person gatherings. “

Data from the Engagement Kit will be used by TREC to help inform the Task Force’s work.

Deadline for submitting information is March 14, 2014.

For more info, questions or comments, contact TREC members at